Austin, Arkansas Weather by Month

By | May 10, 2002

Austin is a small city located in central Arkansas, United States. Located in Lonoke County, Austin is part of the Little Rock metropolitan area. The city is known for its picturesque landscapes, friendly community, and rich agricultural heritage. With a population of approximately 3,500 residents, Austin offers a peaceful and welcoming environment for families and individuals alike. The city’s location provides easy access to nearby urban amenities while maintaining a rural charm that attracts visitors seeking a relaxed pace of life.

Geography and Climate

Austin’s location in central Arkansas influences its geography and climate, resulting in diverse landscapes and weather patterns. The city is located in a region characterized by rolling hills, fertile farmland, and abundant natural beauty. The terrain is relatively flat compared to other parts of the state, making it ideal for agriculture and outdoor activities. Austin experiences a humid subtropical climate, with hot, humid summers and mild winters. The city enjoys four distinct seasons, each offering its own unique charm and opportunities for outdoor recreation.

Climate and Weather Overview

Average Climate Data

The following table presents average temperature, precipitation, and sunny days for each month in Austin, Arkansas:

Month Average Temperature (Fahrenheit) Precipitation (inches) Sunny Days
January 45 3.5 6
February 50 3.7 7
March 58 4.7 8
April 67 5.2 9
May 75 5.8 9
June 83 4.3 10
July 89 3.6 10
August 89 3.3 10
September 81 3.5 9
October 71 3.2 8
November 60 4.0 7
December 49 3.7 6

Weather by Month


January in Austin is characterized by cool temperatures and occasional precipitation. The average temperature is around 45°F, with precipitation averaging 3.5 inches, primarily falling as rain. While snow is rare in Austin, it can occur during particularly cold spells. Outdoor activities during January include hiking in nearby nature trails, visiting local parks, and exploring downtown Austin’s shops and restaurants. Indoor activities such as visiting museums, attending cultural events, and cozying up by the fireplace are also popular choices during the winter months.


February sees similar weather patterns to January, with cool temperatures and moderate precipitation. The average temperature rises slightly to 50°F, while precipitation levels remain steady at 3.7 inches. While outdoor activities may be limited due to the cooler weather, residents and visitors can still enjoy hiking, birdwatching, and wildlife viewing in the surrounding area. February also offers opportunities for attending community events, such as farmers markets, craft fairs, and chili cook-offs.


March marks the transition to spring in Austin, with temperatures starting to warm up. The average temperature is around 58°F, and precipitation levels increase slightly to 4.7 inches. While rain showers are common during this month, the warmer weather brings the landscape to life with blooming flowers and budding trees. Outdoor activities such as picnicking, fishing, and golfing become more popular as the weather improves. March also offers opportunities for visiting local farms, attending spring festivals, and exploring scenic drives through the countryside.


April brings milder temperatures to Austin, with the average temperature reaching 67°F. Precipitation levels increase to 5.2 inches, with occasional rain showers and thunderstorms. The arrival of spring brings vibrant colors and renewed energy to the city, with residents and visitors alike eager to enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, and kayaking in the nearby lakes and rivers. April also offers opportunities for attending Easter events, gardening workshops, and outdoor concerts in the park.


May heralds the arrival of warmer weather in Austin, with temperatures averaging 75°F. Precipitation levels continue to increase to 5.8 inches, with sunny days becoming more frequent. The city comes alive with the sounds of birdsong and the sights of blooming flowers, inviting residents and visitors to explore the great outdoors. Activities such as picnicking, boating, and fishing on nearby lakes are popular choices for those seeking to immerse themselves in nature. May also offers opportunities for attending outdoor weddings, visiting farmers markets, and enjoying live music performances.


June brings peak summer conditions to Austin, with temperatures averaging 83°F. Precipitation levels decrease slightly to 4.3 inches, with warm temperatures and occasional afternoon thunderstorms. The city buzzes with activity as residents and visitors take advantage of the long, sunny days to enjoy outdoor pursuits such as swimming, camping, and barbecuing in the parks. June also offers opportunities for attending local festivals, such as the Austin Strawberry Festival, and participating in community events celebrating the summer solstice.


July sees the height of summer in Austin, with temperatures reaching an average of 89°F. Precipitation levels decrease to 3.6 inches, with hot, sunny days dominating the forecast. Residents and visitors alike flock to local lakes, rivers, and swimming pools to cool off in the water or relax on the sandy beaches. Water sports such as tubing, waterskiing, and paddleboarding are popular choices for beating the summer heat, while evenings are perfect for outdoor barbecues and fireworks displays.


August maintains the heat of summer in Austin, with temperatures averaging 89°F. Precipitation levels decrease further to 3.3 inches, with sunny days prevailing throughout the month. Outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and fishing are popular choices for residents and visitors seeking adventure in the great outdoors. August also offers opportunities for attending county fairs, visiting water parks, and enjoying outdoor concerts and movie nights under the stars.


September brings the first hints of fall to Austin, although temperatures remain warm. The average temperature is around 81°F, with precipitation levels decreasing to 3.5 inches. While summer activities may start to wind down, residents and visitors can still enjoy outdoor pursuits such as hiking, biking, and picnicking in the cooler temperatures. September also offers opportunities for attending fall festivals, visiting pumpkin patches, and taking scenic drives to admire the changing colors of the autumn leaves.


October heralds the arrival of autumn in Austin, with temperatures cooling to an average of 71°F. Precipitation levels decrease to 3.2 inches, with sunny days and crisp, cool nights. The city is transformed by the vibrant colors of fall foliage, providing a picturesque backdrop for outdoor activities such as leaf peeping, hiking, and apple picking at local orchards. October also offers opportunities for attending Oktoberfest celebrations, visiting haunted attractions, and enjoying hayrides and corn mazes with family and friends.


November brings cooler temperatures and increased precipitation to Austin, with the average temperature dropping to 60°F. Precipitation levels peak at 4.0 inches, primarily falling as rain showers. While outdoor activities may be limited due to the inclement weather, residents and visitors can still enjoy scenic drives, nature walks, and birdwatching in the surrounding area. November also offers opportunities for attending holiday craft fairs, preparing for Thanksgiving celebrations, and cozying up with a warm drink at a local café.


December marks the onset of winter in Austin, with temperatures averaging 49°F. Precipitation levels remain steady at 3.7 inches, with occasional snow showers and frosty mornings. The city is decked out in festive decorations, with holiday lights adorning the streets and storefronts. Outdoor activities such as sledding, ice skating, and building snowmen are popular choices for residents and visitors alike. December also offers opportunities for attending holiday concerts, visiting Christmas markets, and enjoying cozy nights by the fire with loved ones.

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